Omfattas ni av NIS2/CSL?
Förfråga om gratis analys
Om ni omfattas av NIS2 / Cybersäkerhetslagen så är ni varmt välkomna att ansöka om en helt kostnadsfri analys av er organisation där vi skapar en helt kostnadsfri GAP analys tillsammans med er.
Låt oss ta fram er organisations nuläge
I vår analys går vi igenom läckt information och grundläggande steg inom GAP. Vi kontrollerar alltså om ni har några läckor och hur eran IT-struktur ser ut generellt men också specifikt inom informationssäkerhet, ramverk, begränsningar och policys. Detta görs tillsammans med er som organisation där ni samlar in relevant information utefter vår enkla handledning som fungerar lika bra för vanligt folk som experter.
– Helt kostnadsfritt
– Kvalificera er idag per telefon (5 min)
Enhance your email experience
Dive deep into a suite of features designed to augment your email experience, ensuring it’s not only secure but also versatile and efficient
Secure calendar synchronization
- Seamlessly integrate your encrypted emails with calendar events, ensuring every appointment remains confidential.
- Set reminders, schedule meetings, and plan your day without compromising your security.
- From event details to attached notes, everything you add to your calendar is encrypted end-to-end.
Privacy-first cloud storage
- Directly attach files from your encrypted cloud storage, merging convenience with security
- Each stored file, be it a document, image, or video, is encrypted, safeguarding your data at all times.
- Easily categorize, retrieve, and share your files, all within a secure framework.
Secure contact management
- Safely manage and store your contacts, ensuring every piece of information is encrypted.
- Import and export contacts between your email and the contact manager without security hitches.
- Reach out with confidence, knowing your contacts' details are always in a secure enclave.
Absolute Privacy
Your email content is locked away from prying eyes, always.
Global Access
Access your secure inbox from anywhere, on any device.
Ease of Use
No need for tech expertise. Our platform is intuitive and user-friendly.
Ad-Free Experience
Enjoy an uncluttered interface.
No ads, ever.
Rapid Support
Questions? Concerns? We’re here for you 24/7.
Download our app and access Outgrid from anywhere
Encryption Protocol
Our approach for the backbone of your security
Safeguarding your data demands more than just promises—it requires advanced encryption protocols. At Outgrid, we prioritize your privacy by employing the most robust encryption methodologies available.